A few weeks ago on the BBC, a broadcast showed that plastic straws are not the only threat we need to be worried about! It has acquaintances that are equally dangerous for our planet. And it is none other than “face sheet masks.”
Yes, folks, yes!
“Face sheet masks are sheet fabrics soaked in a nutrition-packed solution called serum.”
Over the years, the beauty industry has been revolutionized. Hence, we will see hundreds of brands promoting products promising to reverse the aging process. As the industry grows, new companies are pouring in hundreds of new products. They are somehow missing out on
keeping a safe balance between what is good for our skin and what is bad for our environment.
Let’s accept the fact that we all want to look young and beautiful throughout our lives. That, by the way, is not possible! But we still love to try products to look younger and prettier. Since then, one product that has made a breakthrough in the fashion industry is the face sheet mask. We know it is a quick fix, but are they quick enough to degrade?
Sheet masks are made up of a variety of materials, including papers, fibers, gel types, and plastic! Yes! PLASTIC! I bet none of us ever knew this before: that our beauty regime isn’t easy. It has consequences.
But don’t blame yourself; the manufacturers never put this on the packets, and we never bother to question it. If you check your sheet mask right now, you will see a list of ingredients at the back that are difficult to pronounce. Also, who has time to Google them? We have
blind trust in the companies.
When these sheet masks reach landfills or are dumped in sewers, they combine with other substances and shape into giant balls of microplastic. They not only clog the pipes but also pollute the running water. Not to forget that not everyone is blessed with clean water in their
Honestly speaking, I have never thought about wipes and sheets this way before. Sadly, we are living in a crisis, yet we are not moved. We are willing to sell at the cost of our lives and the life of the only planet we have. The saying “there is no planet B” is true.
All these young environmental activists marching on roads are trying to save the only planet that their ancestors have been destroying for decades. They don’t deserve it. We don’t deserve it. No one deserves it.
This is not getting any better if we don’t make it. There are so many eco-friendly substitutes on the market, yet we are not convinced to leave our conventional lifestyle. That is a huge contributing factor to the destruction of our planet. I am not asking you to stop using beauty products, but all I am asking you is to go for sustainable organic beauty products with no dangerous by-products.
Start today and play your part. Take small steps. Start by replacing your single-use wet wipes or face sheet masks with reusable cloth wipes and organic fiber sheet masks. They are safe for us and our planet.